The South African education system is made up of three different types of schools: independent or private; public or government; and Model C schools. Let’s look at the 3 models.
The South African government's current education policy for pre-primary schooling in South Africa is termed 'ECD' or Early Childhood Development, which covers children from birth until 7 years of age. These programs include a wide range of services directed at helping families and communities from all provinces and from every background provide an education for their children.
Without a doubt, your involvement with your child's school will most certainly benefit you, your child and the school! You are the most influential factor in your child's life and they will take their cues from you when dealing with school and the community they're part of. Knowing what is happening and helping out at the school will make you a valuable resource for your school and will also enable you to observe and participate in the changes and policies the school will have.
Homeschooling is exactly that: teaching kids a curriculum at home and not at a school. You can either teach your kids yourself, join an established small group or register them at a homeschool-style school.Homeschooling is recognized by the Department of Basic Education in South Africa as a legal practice and you can apply to the head of your province's education department to register your children for the option to homeschool.