Every Pre-Primary school teacher will admit that one of the most important aspects of a young child's education is playtime. It is baffling to think that there are parents out there who are wholly concerned with academic achievement and believe that even 2 hours of playtime at school is more than enough. This is most certainly not true! Playtime is an integral part of a child's development and can benefit them in a myriad of ways.
You are trusting the school to look after your child. You need to know that they will be safe, secure and well cared for in that environment. Here's a helpful checklist we've compiled to help you put your mind at ease:
In brief we give you an overview of Annual National Assessments (ANA), National Senior Certificates (NSC) and Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).
From 2012 the two National Curriculum Statements for Grades R-9 and Grades 10-12 respectively, are combined in a single document and will simply be known as the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12. The National Curriculum Statement for Grades R-12 builds on the previous curriculum but also updates it and aims to provide clearer specification of what is to be taught and learnt on a term-by-term basis.
In September 2013 over 7 million learners in Grades 1 - 6 and Grade 9 in South Africa were assessed to determine their levels of competency in Literacy and Numeracy. This was the third time since 2011 that an assessment of this magnitude has been conducted under the umbrella of the Annual National Assessment (ANA), an initiative of the Department of Education (DBE) to improve the quality of performance in the system.