Annual National Assesments (ANA)


In September 2013 over 7 million learners in Grades 1 - 6 and Grade 9 in South Africa were assessed to determine their levels of competency in Literacy and Numeracy. This was the third time since 2011 that an assessment of this magnitude has been conducted under the umbrella of the Annual National Assessment (ANA), an initiative of the Department of Education (DBE) to improve the quality of performance in the system.

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What is Schooling 2025?


Schooling 2025 is the government's long-term plan for the basic education sector which will allow for the monitoring of progress against a set of measurable indicators covering all aspects of basic education including amongst others, enrolments and retention of learners, teachers, infrastructure, school funding, learner well-being and school safety, mass literacy and educational quality

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General Aims of CAPS


The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 gives expression to the knowledge, skills and values worth learning in South African schools. This curriculum aims to ensure that children acquire and apply knowledge and skills in ways that are meaningful to their own lives. In this regard, the curriculum promotes knowledge in local contexts, while being sensitive to global imperatives.

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What is NCS?


The National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations commonly known as “matric” have become an annual event of major public significance in South Africa. It not only signifies the culmination of twelve years of formal schooling but the NSC examination is one of the key barometers to indicate the state of health of the education system.

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What if I can't Pay School Fees?

money Photo by from Pexels

If you cannot pay school fees you can apply for help. Your first stop is the Parents School Governing Body (SGB) where you can apply for conditional, partial or full exemption from paying school fees. You need to ask the principal or the office for an application form. They will have to assist you with this and it is their duty to help you.

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