What is the IEB?


The Independent Examinations Board, or IEB, is a South African independent assessment agency which offers examinations at various independent schools. It is most prominent in setting examinations for the school-leaving National Senior Certificate, or NSC (which replaced the Senior Certificate and Further Education and Training Certificate) for its client schools.

The Independent Examinations Board, or IEB, is a South African independent assessment agency which offers examinations at various independent schools. It is most prominent in setting examinations for the school-leaving National Senior Certificate, or NSC (which replaced the Senior Certificate and Further Education and Training Certificate) for its client schools.

Students with excellent IEB exam results have been accepted to Ivy League and Oxbridge institutions without taking further requirements such as A-levels. (SATs (or ACTs) are required for all major U.S. universities - the IEB NSC does not exempt students from this requirement.)

It is also important to note that IEB students who matriculate receive the same certificate as a NSC student would and universities may not bias between a state NSC and IEB matriculant

What the IEB offers

The IEB offers external assessment in accordance with legislation and Umalusi directives, for the schools registered with it. The key examination in schooling is the National Senior Certificate (NSC) written at the end of Grade 12. By law the IEB is only able to offer assessment for the NSC to independent schools.

The IEB also provides additional assessments that complement teaching and learning in schools at other levels.

These include:

  • International Benchmark Tests, in partnership with the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) in Language (Grades 3 to 10), Mathematics (Grades 3 to 10) and Science (Grades 3 to 8);
  • Subject specific assessments at Grade 9, Home language and Mathematics;
  • Assessment in Mathematics at Grade 11;
  • Core Skills Tests at Grade 6 and Grade 9.
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