How To Get Involved At Your Child's Primary School


Without a doubt, your involvement with your child's school will most certainly benefit you, your child and the school! You are the most influential factor in your child's life and they will take their cues from you when dealing with school and the community they're part of. Knowing what is happening and helping out at the school will make you a valuable resource for your school and will also enable you to observe and participate in the changes and policies the school will have.  

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4363 Hits

How Important is Your Involvement with your High School Teen?


When your child reaches high school, they are at an extremely fragile, emotional, physical and social point in their lives. Along with having to contend with an ever-changing and complex curriculum, it may be a surprise to find that statistically, most parents decrease support of their child in their high school academic life.  Sandra Buckingham gives some tips. 

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3742 Hits

What is your Child's Learning Style?


Did you know that children learn is three different ways? Experts say there are three main learning styles, although there may be some variations and people may use different combinations of these styles at different times or for different subjects. Find out what they are here.

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4045 Hits

Homework : Help Your Child Succeed


Homework is an essential part of a student's life, and the first time a child gets a taste of it is usually at Grade 1 of Primary School. Schools in South Africa emphasize the need for it, as it increases knowledge, improves and reinforces abilities and skills, and heightens the child's success rate.

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