10 Signs Your Child Needs Extra Lessons

As a parent it is sometimes difficult to know when your child is struggling and needs extra help They are often embarrassed and feel insecure, and would rather not mention that they are struggling. How are you to decipher that their turbulent teenage tantrums could be stemming from something other than those horrific hormones? Do you come to the full realization only when you are faced with the drop in their report card? Or do you determine now whether your child requires an extra boost to not only lift their marks, but their self esteem too? Carla van Staden tells us how.

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3914 Hits

Help your Child Study Without a Fight

It’s been a long day, you’re tired and yet again the living room is filled with outbursts of “Stop telling me how it’s done!” or “I don’t need your help!” from your child as you vow to say calm not thwack them over the head. Does this sound familiar? Expert tutor Carla van Staden shares her top tips on how to help your child study without it ending in tears.

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4043 Hits

How to Memorize


To memorize is to store information in your brain for reuse later.  The definition of memory is the power or act of remembering.  The definition of remembering is to recall, to bring back to mind by an effort.

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1818 Hits