Deutsche Schule Hermannsburg

0.0 (0)
11910   0   1   1
Address Sub Lot Of Perseverance  
Suburb Hermannsburg
City/Town Hermannsburg
Province KwaZulu-Natal
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Status Independent School
Gender Co-Ed
School Level
Grades Offered 00 -- 12
Curriculum 0 - 9 General Education and Training (GETC)
Curriculum 10 - 12 National Senior Certificate (IEB)
IEB Exams IEB exams
Boarding Facilities Yes
Religious Affiliation Christian
School Association ISASA | Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa
Fees Paid Over * 10 Months
Min Annual Fee R0 12263,4050607.809010
Max Annual Fee R0 14283,4050607.809010
Min Boarding Fees R0 15213,4050607.809010
Max Boarding Fees R0 15213,4050607.809010
Schools Fee Page Visit this schools fees page

The co-educational boarding and day scholar combination at this unique English-medium school is designed to give every child the opportunity to be enrolled. A strong Christian ethos, based on the Lutheran faith, the high academic goals and the uninterrupted country peace is what makes Hermannsburg unique and gives learners who attend this school "the edge".


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