Trinityhouse High School Palm Lakes

0.0 (0)
31777   0   1   0
Address Manor Road  
Suburb Tinley Manor
City/Town Ballito
Province KwaZulu-Natal
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Status Independent School
Gender Co-Ed
Grades Offered 8-12
Curriculum 0 - 9 CAPS
Curriculum 10 - 12 CAPS
School Association ADvTECH
Enrolment Fee R0 102.30405
Min Boarding Fees R0 102.30405
Max Boarding Fees R0 102.30405
Aftercare R 0.00

Trinityhouse High has a philosophy that puts our students at the center of learning. Each student is challenged to think critically and participate actively in their own education. The schools offers a dynamic environment with traditional Christian conventions. While preparing students to function in the world beyond education, our students are taught to be thoughtful citizens who are responsible and respectful to themselves as well as to others.

Trinityhouse can be set apart by its excellent teachers whose close relationships are set between themselves and their students. Our teachers of excellence constantly seek to engage with students whenever there is opportunity to educate them; in classrooms, libraries, offices or activities. As professionals who themselves are lifelong learners, they serve as role models in nurturing creativity while supporting growth towards independence.

A progressive curriculum encourages each student to use their initiative and creative spirits.


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