Parklands College & Christopher Robin Pre-Primary School

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22028   0   5   0
Address 91 Raats Drive  
Suburb Parklands
City/Town Cape Town
Province Western Cape
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Status Independent School
Gender Co-Ed
Grades Offered 12 months - Grade 12
Curriculum 10 - 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC)
Religious Affiliation Non-Denominational
School Association ISASA | Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa
Fees Paid Over * 11 Months
Enrolment Fee R0 11263,4050607.809010
Min Annual Fee R0 14293,4959657.809010
Max Annual Fee R0 19293,4954657.809010
Min Boarding Fees R0 102.30405
Max Boarding Fees R0 102.30405
Aftercare R 14,525.00

The privilege of parenthood brings with it the responsibility of planning for the future of our children. Difficult decisions must often be made, with the only guideline being the fact that whatever choices we make, our children deserve only the best. At home, we ensure that the values we instil equip them for the future. It is, however, the time they spend with others - educators and friends that concern us most, for they are beyond our control.

This is why the choice of a place or learning is possibly the most important decision any parent can make, as this decision will ultimately affect a Iearner’s ability to succeed in life. At Parklands College, we offer complete peace of mind, not only preparing the child academically but also emotionally, socially, morally and physically, in preparation for life’s challenges.

“Reaching Outwards, Growing Minds, Building Futures”


Pre-Primary & Junior Preparatory Faculties: 91 Raats Drive, Parklands 7441

Senior Preparatory Faculty: 50 Wood Drive, Parklands 7441

Secondary Faculty: 1 College Avenue, Sandown 7441



Grades 0000 - R (18 months - 6 years)

Christopher Robin Pre-Primary was established in 1980 and offers a nurturing, positive environment where children have a sense of belonging. Our Pre-Primary provides a safe and emotionally secure setting that encourages the development of the whole child: emotionally, socially, physically, and intellectually. With lots of time for uninterrupted, child-directed play, this is an opportunity for them to interact socially and engage with their friends. Exploration of a wide variety of equipment available for the children promotes healthy, physical bodies, developing flexibility, endurance, and strength. Playtime is also an important opportunity for children to become independent, develop confidence, and demonstrate creativity. We know that children begin to learn as soon as they are born, and that in the early years the foundation is laid for a child’s future development and success.  Building a child’s physical, language, and social skills prepares him or her for the academic, cultural, and sporting opportunities offered in primary school. At Christopher Robin Pre-Primary we approach these goals with passion, care and commitment.


Grades 1-6

In the Preparatory a natural curiosity and love of learning blossom within a classroom that is supportive, dynamic, and enquiry based. Every learner has an innate wish to explore their world and the formative years of children’s education provides a platform for such experiential learning. Learners’ ideas and expressions are valued, and the ultimate goal of producing confident, independent students is achieved within a technology-rich, creative and intellectually stimulating environment.

Following an interdisciplinary approach to learning, with the STEAM subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics at the core, learners are provided with opportunities to engage in authentic and innovative learning experiences in preparation for their future workplace.

The Senior Preparatory provides the important bridge between the Junior Preparatory and the Secondary Faculty, and educators work in close liaison in order to ensure a seamless transition from Grade Six to Grade Seven for each learner. Within a nurturing environment we continue to promote a love for learning and focus on the core skills which are necessary for success. While following the national curriculum, educators provide opportunities for learners to explore topics in depth, creating a space for innovation and independent learning.


The Oyster Centre at Parklands College provides an inclusive, supportive educational environment for Grade 1-3 learners with an average to above average intellectual ability, who are experiencing barriers to learning. Learners are fully integrated into the enrichment lessons (Music, Art, Drama, Robotics, Physical Education) and full sporting programme.  Our intention is to mainstream each learner prior to entering into Grade 6.  Every opportunity for success!


Enquire today for Grades 1-3 For 2018!  Grades 4 And 5 to Follow In 2019.


Grades 7-12

The Secondary Faculty provides a distinctive academic experience for our learners. The academic programme provides each learner with a firm grasp of fundamental skills, the ability to think critically, innovatively, and independently, and fosters a love of learning. Educators create learning activities that are motivational, technology-rich, and aligned to the needs of modern learners.

Our educators offer a challenging and stimulating education in an achievement-focused culture. They are knowledgeable, enthusiastic and have high expectations of their learners. Each individual learner is valued, and progress is closely monitored. The educators provide exceptional academic support, within the regular instructional programme and through additional tutorials that provide personalised learning support.

The Secondary Faculty follows the national curriculum, with a wide spectrum of subjects leading to the National Senior Certificate. It is this breadth and variety, along with an opportunity to pursue subjects of choice, which encourages our learners to embrace lifelong learning.


PRE-PRIMARY:  Rugby, Cricket, Swimming, Intro-Golf, Tennis, Physical Education, Soccer, Piano, Violin, Recorder, Group Music (Minor Repertoire), Xhosa, French, Ballet, Speech and Drama, Movement Exploration, Cookery and Information Technology.

PREPARATORY: Sport: Rugby, Cricket, Swimming, Water Polo (Grade 5 and 6), Tennis, Girls' Softball, Netball, Girls’ Hockey, Soccer, Ball Sports (Grade 1 and 2), Cross Country (Grade 4-6), Running Club (Grade 4-6), lntro-Golf Cultural Activities: Piano, Clarinet, Saxophone, Recorder, Flute, Cello, Violin, Drums, Guitar, Choir, Orchestra, Orff (Grade 1 and 2), Marimba (Grade 3-6), Dance: Ballet, Tap, Modern Dance. Clubs & Societies: Chess, Book Club/ Lit Quiz, Robotics, Computer Programming, Living Maths, Art Society, Drama Society, French Society (Grade 1 and 2), Public Speaking, EarlyAct Club, Science Club.

SECONDARY: Sport: Rugby, Cricket, Netball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Softball, Cross Country, Waterpolo, Hockey (Girls)  Cultural Activities: Debating, Public Speaking, Music: Piano, Clarinet, Saxophone, Recorder, Flute, Drums, Choir, Acapella, Orchestra, Violin, Voice, Guitar, Marimba Band, Drumline, Dance: Ballet, Tap, Modern Dancing Clubs & Societies: Art Club, Chemistry Club, Rotary International’s Interact, Computer Club, First Aid, Culinary Society, Guitar Club, Drama Club, Reporters’ Club, Book Club, Freestyle dancing Club, Lab Assistant Training, Peer Support Group, President’s Award Club, Poetry Slam, Young Physicists Club, Outdoor Club, Robotics, MakerSpace Club, Green Solutions, Word Wizards Extension courses: Animation, Sound Engineering, Mobile Application Development, Digital Film Production, International Computer Certifications


Parklands College has been recognised by Apple as an Apple Distinguished School (ADS) for its innovation, leadership and educational excellence. Learners are introduced to iPads in Grade R, progressing to the Apple 1:1 environment beginning in Grade 1 and continuing through to Grade 12. Each child’s device becomes a person­alised learning platform where its integration into learning and life becomes second nature. Throughout the College, learners engage in a variety of technology enriched activities through which they learn new concepts, practise and consolidate existing skills, create unique products, explore new ideas and pursue curiosities, engage in remediation and participate in enrichment.

At Parklands College, educational technology and a high-tech connected environment has allowed our teachers to extend their lessons in innovative ways and encourage learners to develop 21st century skills by solving real world problems. Our teaching staff includes Apple and Google certified educators who share their expertise with colleagues, as well as teachers at other schools both locally and abroad.

Programming is an essential digital literacy of the future, and design an essential skill.  For this reason Robotics and Programming is a compulsory subject from Grade 1 to 8. This subject fosters an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, and develops higher order thinking skills such as creativity and problem solving in our learners, through the building and programming of robots. Our Grade 9 learners all receive computer programming and computer design training, enabling those wishing to take Information Technology to make an informed subject choice in Grade 10.

We promote invention through the use of AutoCAD and 3D printers in Drawing Technology, Engineering and Graphics Design, and Design where our learner make their thinking visible by creating 3D printed products.

Film, Animation, Sound Engineering and Mobile Application Development extension courses are on offer during the school day in our state-of-the-art media studios and coding incubator. Our learners have released a digital album called “Origin” on iTunes as well as two free educational applications, ”Simple Learning Time” and “Simple Learning Afrikaans”, available on the Apple App Store.

Our internationally recognised offerings include CompTIA certifications, AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop Visual Communication certification (ACA) and the ICDL WebEditing certification.

Parklands College continues to explore new and emerging technologies in order to keep abreast of world trends in education.



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