St. Dunstan's College is an independent Anglican school, the diocesan school of the Diocese of the Highveld.
St. Dunstan's College consists of three schools operating as a single unit. Father Angus Paterson is the executive head of the entire College, and runs the operations of the senior College as well. Mr Owen Thomas is head of the Preparatory School, and Mrs Marianne Sands head of the Pre-school.
St. Dunstan's College strives to achieve international standards of education through well-qualified staff, appropriate technology, and challenging teaching methods.
At the Pre-School the focus is on the holistic development of the children to prepare them for the start of formal education in Grade 1. The children's educational, social, physical and intellectual development is encouraged in a loving and nurturing environment.
In 1989, to meet the need for a pre-school , together with Mr Greg McLeod, headmistress Marianne Sands took on the task of building from scratch a pre-school institution. This opened in 1990 with an initial intake of 50 children and a teaching staff of three. Today, it has 113 pupils and a staff complement of seven teachers handling classes from grades 000 to grade 0. Through the efforts of the PA, the school has one of the few, fully-equipped 'gross motor' centres to develop large muscle co-ordination