Trinity Childrens Centre

0.0 (0)
3042   0   0   0
Address 5 Clairwood Crescent  
Suburb Beacon Valley
City/Town Cape Town
Province Western Cape
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gender Co-Ed
School Level
Grades Offered 0 -- 7
Curriculum 0 - 9 CAPS
Boarding Facilities No
Religious Affiliation Christian
School Association Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)

Trinity Children’s Centre started as an Early Childhood Development Centre for 15 little three-year-olds in January 2012, but our dream was to grow – one grade per year – into a full pre- and primary school for at-risk children in Mitchell’s Plain. We now have 30 preschoolers in grades R and pre-R and 15 students in our Grade 1 class. The next stop is Grade 2 in 2016. We believe in the value of holistic education and we have been amazed and the physical, cognitive, spiritual and emotional growth we have seen in our children over the last three years.


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