Wiggles And Squiggles School

0.0 (0)
9529   0   0   1
Address 197 Starling Avenue  
Suburb Boskruin
City/Town Randburg
Province Gauteng
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website No Web Address Supplied
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Status Independent School
Gender Co-Ed
School Level Combined
Grades Offered 00 - 7
Curriculum 10 - 12 Montessori
Boarding Facilities No
Fees Paid Over * 12 Months
Min Annual Fee R0 15263,4652687.809010
Max Annual Fee R0 15283,4754607.809010

Wiggles & Squiggles School is a non-profit organization that provides a specialized, stimulating and caring environment for 34 children between the ages of 2 and 13, who have a variety of special needs. We have children with CP (Cerebral Palsy), Autism, various syndromes and multi-sensory impairments, as well as those without a diagnosis.

We offer children with varied special needs a nurturing educational environment, with specialized input to enable them to grow and develop at their own pace. It is our aim to ensure that each and every child is happy, settled and enjoys coming to and being at school. The children are offered as many first hand experiences and varied opportunities as possible in order to involve them actively in their learning. Communication in any form is highly valued and all efforts to communicate are encouraged; supported by:

  • Makaton / SA Sign Language
  • PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
  • TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children)
  • Montessori principles.

Routines and structure are important and many key elements of the day are consistent throughout the weekly
timetables. All work is focused on individual strengths and needs and incorporated into the termly themes. The children have detailed IEPS (Individual Education Plans) and group sessions may be differentiated to take these into account. Any achievement, whether big or small, academic or otherwise, is recognised, shared and celebrated.

The staff is dedicated to creating a loving and homely environment for each child, regardless of their challenges, allowing them to learn and develop to their full potential. A multi-disciplinary team of teachers and therapists work together in the classroom, Therapy room and / or in the Sensory / Snoezelen room, and share their commitment and passion for the children. The school has beautiful outdoor spaces with a sensory herb garden and a bunny enclosure where Flopsy. Mopsy and Cottontail live. A specialist Music teacher works with the children in four different ability groupings once a week for half hour sessions. Our parent support group meets monthly.


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