Woodridge College and Preparatory School

0.0 (0)
31140   0   1   0
Address PO Thornhill  
Suburb Witteklip
City/Town Thornhill
Province Eastern Cape
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Status Independent School
Gender Co-Ed
School Level
Grades Offered 000 -- 12
Curriculum 0 - 9 CAPS
Curriculum 10 - 12 CAPS
Boarding Facilities Yes
Religious Affiliation Christian
School Association ISASA | Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa
Fees Paid Over * 10 Months
Enrolment Fee R0 122,3040506.70809
Min Annual Fee R0 11273,4459637.809010
Max Annual Fee R0 17283,4952677.809010
Min Boarding Fees R0 16243,4856637.809010
Max Boarding Fees R0 1122394,5060708.9010011
Schools Fee Page Visit this schools fees page

Woodridge has, as its main philosophy, the development of the whole character of the pupils. Whilst academics remain the main consideration, the site of the School lends itself to the furthering of character-building activities, not only on the sportsfields, but in the wider context of Outdoor Education. This involves, amongst others, mountaineering, canoeing and sailing.  Another noteworthy achievement was the establishment of a Nature Reserve within the confines of the School.


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