St Katharines Preparatory School

0.0 (0)
8164   0   0   0
Address 43 Escombe Avenue  
Suburb Parktown
City/Town Johannesburg
Province Gauteng
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Status Independent School
Gender Girls
School Level Primary
Grades Offered 0 -- 7
Curriculum 0 - 9 General Education and Training (GETC)
Boarding Facilities No
Religious Affiliation Interdenominational
School Association ISASA | Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa
Fees Paid Over * Per Term
Min Annual Fee R0 17203,4454607.809010
Max Annual Fee R0 19283,4253667.809010
Aftercare R 1,500.00
Schools Fee Page Visit this schools fees page

St Katharine’s is a small, independent, interdenominational, multi-cultural junior school for girls. Together with the pursuit of academic excellence goes a commitment to a strong Christian ethic but which gives recognition to and encourages an understanding of other religious beliefs. Consideration for others is fostered and each individual is encouraged to develop to her full potential; academically, physically, socially and culturally.


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